
タイトル Title
司会挨拶 Chair’s greeting
趣旨説明 「リスクの医学」と公衆衛生 ‘Medicine of Risk’ and Public Health
講演1 e-Health, big-data 時代の生政治―Big-Brother イメージの超克 Lecture 1 “Biopolitics in the Age of e-Health and Big-data: Overcoming the Big Brother Image”
講演2 自然と共にある生―近代日本の公衆衛生史を書き換える Lecture 2 “Living with Nature: Rewriting the History of Public Health in Modern Japan”
総合コメント General comments
総合討論 General discussion
【特集2】合評会「病いの会話 ネパールで糖尿病を共に生きる」 【Special Feature 2】Joint Review Meeting on the book
“Conversation on Illness: Living with Diabetes in Nepal” by Yuka Nakamura
解題 Introduction
著者解題・総合討論 “Conversation on Illness: Living with Diabetes in Nepal” by Yuka Nakamura
Book Review by Hanako Takahashi, Mieko Honma, and Ikuko Kashiwazaki followed by a general discussion
【特集3】 立命館大学土曜講座 「 障害のある先生が仕事を続けるということ―障害と教育の交わるところ」 【Special Feature 3】Ritsumeikan Saturday Seminar Series Theme for January, Academic Year 2022
“What it means for a teacher with a disability to continue to work ‒ where disability and education intersect.” Organized by the Institute for Ars Vivendi
趣旨説明 Preface
講演1「「障害のある教員」の職場復帰のプロセスと課題」 Session 1: The Process and Challenges of Teachers with Disabilities Returning to the Workplace
講演2「「障害のある教師」からインクルーシブ教育を問い直す」 Session 2: Reexamining inclusive education from the perspective of teachers with disabilities
公募論文 Original Articles
近代日本における公立結核療養所と「隔離」の社会的機能の追求:防疫と救療をめぐる議論を中心に Public Tuberculosis Sanatoria and the Pursuit of their Social Function of Isolation in Modern Japan: Focusing on the Debate over Epidemic Prevention and Patient Relief
編集委員会 運営委員  