フロアからの質問 & Arthur W. Frank 教授のレスポンス

(サトウ) 質問が二つありますので一つずつ読み上げます。

(フランク) I'm not sure that I'm going to add a great deal to what was in my lecture. The issue is a matter of being able to hear what's going on during the interview, which is very diffi cult because it's hard to hear in the interview as the interview is happening. That's why social scientists make transcriptions and why we do analysis later. But coaching the interview participant does require hearing the interview as it's going on, hearing less than full stories as they're being told, and having enough sense of what a full story is so that you can then ask the participant to fi ll in parts that you sense are missing.
My examples of this fi lling in raised basic narratology issues; for example, how an interviewer can respond when a participant says, “I walked into a room and there were two people there, and then one of them said to me…” A follow-up question that elicits a fuller story would ask the participant to describe those two people: “How old are they?” “What do they look like?” “What are they wearing?” You ask for more detail, because stories are all about detail. They're about details of persons, and places, and acts, and so coaching seeks to encourage people to say more about who it is, where it was, and what was happening- what took place, what were the actions…who said what to whom?

(フランク) The other thing I would add is this recurring issue of storytelling being burdensome, that Maki brought up, and Michitaka brought up. I think there are two of the main reasons why people can experience their own storytelling as burdensome to them is first of all, if someone else is requiring that the story produce a certain valuation at the end, that they themselves can't decide what this is all about, they have to make it all about what someone else has already decided. And that's the problem with some support groups stories: the group requires that the point of the story has to be “alcoholism ruined my life.” A storyteller in that group is required to end up with that as the evaluation of the story, that joining AA saved my life. In that group, that's the only story you can tell.
(三田地) もうひとつ触れておきたいのは、物語が負担をともなうという、今日は何度も論じられてきた論点についてです。これは山口さんも、大谷さんも触れていた。人々が自分の物語を語る経験を負担に感じる理由には二つあると思います。まず、物語の終わりにある特定の価値判断がともなうことをだれか第三者が要求する場合、つまり語り手が自分では当の物語の内容を定めることが許されていない場合、語り手はすでに第三者が定めたことを語らなければなりません。これこそが、サポートグループの抱える問題です。「アルコール中毒が私の人生を台無しにした」ことに物語の要点があることを、グループが要求するのです。グループに参加する人は、自分の物語をこのような価値判断でもって終わらせなければならない。グループに参加することによって自分の人生は救われたといわなければならない。このグループの中では、このような物語しか語ることは許されていないのです。

(フランク) To put it in the simplest terms, nobody wants to tell a story in which somebody else has already told you what the point of the story is.
(三田地) 単純にいえば、要点は何かということをあらかじめ他の人によって定められた物語を語ることなど、誰も望まないのです。

(フランク) The other reason people can experience storytelling as burdensome is because the story they're telling lacks drama. Stories are fun; they're engaging, and they're suspenseful. And so part of what has to be coached is taking the person to the point of the action where there really is suspense. But often people do not understanding is how dramatic and suspenseful their own lives are. I think you can help people bring the drama back into their own lives. I have an article called “Five Dramas of Illness” in which I talk about this specifi cally with respect to illness stories and how people can realize how dramatic their own experiences of illness actually are.
(三田地) 人が物語を負担として経験する第二の理由は、当の物語にドラマが欠けている場合です。物語は面白いものです。それは人を惹き付けます。サスペンスに富んでいます。コーチの目的は、サスペンスのあるところへ物語をもっていかせることにあります。しかし多くの人が、自分の人生がいかにドラマチックでサスペンスに富んだものであるかを理解していない。私は、コーチすることによって、彼らの人生にドラマを回復させることができると思います。「病の5つのドラマ」と題した論文を私は書いたことがあります。この論文の中では、私はこの問題をとくに病の物語に即して論じました。自分自身の病の経験がいかにドラマチックなものかを人々がどのようにして気づくに至るかということを論じたのです。


(フランク) Absolutely. No, I agree on all points. I mean, the whole question of the story being true has received a great deal of attention because what stories do for us as equipment is allow us to get at truths that are more signifi cant than the most literal truths. They allow us to get at truths that express something that may not have actually happened, but it's nevertheless a greater truth of how the world is.
So one has to be very careful with the whole notion of objective truth in stories. I don't think stories are the best equipment if you're concerned with objective truth, in part because being objective suggests to stand somewhere outside the story. That's where the word objective comes from in Latin, ob-jacere, to be able to throw something up against something else.
And with stories, you never can be objective in this literal sense, because what stories are good for is that you never can get out of them; there is always some further entanglement of meaning or signifi cance, and one story always leads to another. So in some ways if you're concerned with objective truth, just don't deal with stories. But if you're concerned with what we might call “expressive truth”, or what sometimes are called “narrative truth”—truths that are difficult to express in terms of what happened—that's what stories are really good for. That's the truth of myths and legends and sacred stories and fantasy stories. They're very fundamental truths, and it's not that we think the events they describe actually took place, but they express a signifi cant truth about the lives we lead. And I'm so glad you brought up these other two points. Yes, stories are dangerous. One of the claims that I've been trying to work with, is that all stories—and that universal qualifi er all is a scary thing to say—“all stories”- all stories are to some degree about boundaries and exclusion. I have a very hard time thinking of any story that doesn't have some implication for drawing a boundary around some people and excluding other people. And that's the beginning of violence. Sacred stories do this especially. That is one reason why so many sacred stories precipitate violence. So yes, stories are dangerous.
An analogy can make this clearer. Medicine has to be taken in the right amount, at the right times; otherwise it's dangerous. Instead of curing you, it will make you sick. The same is true of stories: wrong ones, wrong times, and they can be very dangerous. Finally, stories are much more fun than we've made them today. We speakers have told entirely too few stories, but let us not forget, we humans tell stories because they're delightful. They enchant us. They make the world enchanted- because the world has the possibility of being boring, burdensome, dull, grey. Stories are what make it bright. So yes, if we lose that pleasure in stories, we lose a crucial part of what storytelling is about.
(有馬) まったくその通りです。物語が真実であるかどうかということはよく問題になります。それは、道具としての物語は、私たちが、文字通りの味気ない真実よりももっと重大な真実を得るのに役立つからです。物語によって私たちが獲得することのできる真実が表現するのは、かならずしも実際に起こった事柄ではないけれども、それにもかかわらず、それは、世界のあり方に関するもっと重要な真実なのです。

(サトウ) 以上をもちまして、シンポジウムを閉めたいと思うのですけれども、最後に、フランク先生の俳句ポエムを紹介します。『からだの知恵に聴く─人間尊重の医療を求めて』つまり“At the Will of the Body: Refl ections on Illness”という本の47 ページに載っている詩です。
 俳句ですので、どういう状況で詠まれたのかということは言いませんけれども(実は先ほど聞いたのですけれども)、1986 年の10 月に詠んだという俳句ポエムです。

