‘Eugenics and Justice in East Asia: Past and Present’
22-24 February 2025
A Hybrid Event
Ritsumeikan University Suzaku Campus Multipurpose Room (多目的室)
And via Zoom
・科学技術振興機構(JST) RISTEX 科学技術の倫理的・法制度的・社会的課題 (ELSI)への包括的実践研究開発プログラム「医療・ヘルスケア領域におけるELSI の歴史的分析とアーカイブズ構築」(課題番号JPMJRS22J3)(研究代表者・後藤基行)
Day 1 (Saturday 22 Feb 2025) – Academic discussion on eugenics in East Asia
12:00 | Welcome and introduction by Aya Homei (10 mins) |
12:10-12:20 | Tribute to Dr. Mark Bookman by Professor Osamu Nagase |
12:20-14:20 | Panel 1 – Psychiatric discourse and institutionalization (Chair: Yoko Matsubara) •Motoyuki Goto – The Actual Implementation of Forced Sterilization Under the Eugenic Protection Law in Japan. (15 mins) •Jiyoung Park – Genetics and Eugenics in the Psychiatric Discourse in South Korea during the 1960s-70s (15 mins) Followed by Q&A and discussion (90 mins) |
Coffee break (10 mins) | |
14:30-15:30 | Panel 2 – Eugenics and technology (Chair: Aya Homei) •Jaehwan Hyun – Genetic Counseling as a Eugenic Solution in South Korea during the 1970s and 1990s (15 mins) Followed by Q&A and discussion (45 mins) |
Coffee break (10 mins) | |
15:40-17:40 | Panel 3 – Activist challenges to eugenics (Chair: Eunkyung Choi) •Jisung Hwang – Successes and Issues of Truth and Reconciliation Efforts for Victims of Sterilisation in Carceral Institutions for the Disabled in South Korea (15 mins) •Anna Vittinghoff – tbc (15 mins) Followed by Q&A and discussion (90 mins) |
Day 2 (Sunday 23 Feb 2025) – Academic discussion on eugenics in East Asia
9:30-11:30 | Panel 4 – The Biopolitics of amniocentesis (Chair: Aya Homei) •Yi-Li Liao – Governance of Amniocentesis for Prenatal Diagnosis in Taiwan (15 mins) •Hsui-Yun Wang – Eugenics and the emergence of prenatal examinations in Taiwan (15 mins) Followed by Q&A and discussion (90 mins) |
Lunch break (60 mins) | |
12:30-14:00 | Panel 5 – Eugenics in changing political realities (Chair: Jaehwan Hyun) •Tasing Chiu – Eugenics in 20th Century Taiwan: Ideas, Practices, and Legacies (15 mins) •Eunkyung Choi – Eugenics in the Relief Facilities in South Korea during and after the Korean War (15 mins) Followed by Q&A and discussion (90 mins) |
Coffee break (15 mins) | |
14:15-16:15 | Panel 6 – How to restore hidden voices (Chair: Anna Vittinghoff) •Naoko Kawaguchi, Megumi Sakai, Noriko Seyama, and Keiko Toshimitsu – Findings from interviews with victims of forced sterilisation and other medical procedures on the grounds of disability (15 mins) •Jaehyung Kim – The Potential for an Archive of Detention Facilities in South Korea: Focusing on the Activities of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (15 mins) Followed by general Q&A and discussion (90 mins) |
Coffee break (15 mins) | |
16:30-17:00 | Panel 7 – Wrap up discussion Moderator Aya Homei |
Day 3 (Monday 24 Feb 2025) – Transnational discussions on social (transitional?) justice and archiving
9:00-11:00 | Panel 8 – Unearthing of Eugenic Archives Across the Pacific(Online Roundtable, 120 mins) •Alex Stern – The Sterilization and Social Justice Lab’s work in California •Rosemarie Lerner – The Quipu Project in Peru (in terms of living archives) •Lauren Brooker – On the indigenous collections in Australia •Yoko Matsubara – The forced sterilisation archiving project (both digitising administrative documents and oral history interviews) Benedict Ipgrave – Moderator |
Coffee break (15 mins) | |
11:15-12:45 | Panel 9 – Archiving as a method (90 mins, a brown bag session) * In this panel, we will ask a few presenters to present on the archiving practice(s) and think of practical and methodological issues with archiving as a means with which to tackle eugenic issues in East Asia. This will be a brown bag session, i.e., participants are welcomed to bring and have lunch during the panel. Presenters: |
12:45-13:00 | Coffee break (15 mins) |
13:00-14:30 | Panel 10 – How can we think about social (transitional?) justice for East Asia? (90 mins) * Discussions around theoretical questions such as ‘What is social/transitional justice in the context of East Asia today and in the past?’ ‘Is social/transitional justice a useful framework to discuss situations in East Asia today and in the past? If so, what is the significance of using the framework to tackle eugenic issues in East Asia? If not, what alternative(s) can we pursue?’ Moderator: Aya Homei |
14:30-14:50 | Closing remarks by Yoko Matsubara and Benedict Ipgrave (20 mins) |