Special Issue (No.5 August 21, 2013)

Ars Vivendi Journal
Special Issue: Protest as Ars Vivendi (No.5 August 21, 2013)


Shinya Tateiwa (translated by Robert Chapeskie) (HTML / PDF, 56KB)


“The Disabled Peoples’ Movement and its Future”
Colin Barnes (HTML / PDF, 190KB)
“Transitioning towards a Movement That Accepts Children with Disabilities Just as They Are – The History of the Association of Parents of Children with Congenital Limb Defects”
Tomohisa Hori and Robert Chapeskie (HTML / PDF, 394KB)
“Japanese Baby Hatches and Unmarried Mothers/Children Born Out of Wedlock – A Comparison with German Babyklappen and American Safe Haven Laws”
Kashimi Yoshida (translated by Robert Chapeskie) (HTML / PDF, 227KB)