Study group on ageing

The purpose of this study group is to look into the various practices that surrounded the process of ageing in the postwar Japanese society, for example into how families have treated the process of ageing, and how the social welfare and labor systems of the postwar period functioned as regards to those experiencing difficulties in their lives due to old age. Although this research that is perhaps best described as research on “history of ageing in postwar Japan” has been also conducted in part by the Association for the Study of Science of Thought, as there have been almost no discussions regarding the relationships between social welfare, public policies, and labor, theoretically the initiative of this study group is very important. The study group on ageing has already published a book on the subject entitled Administering the aged – history of and policies for the old (Seikatsushoin, March, 2011) edited by Jyosuke Amada, Kentaro Kitamura, and Yoshitaro Hotta. A new book with the working title of Postwar history of ageing that shall take the research further serving as a “sequel” to the first is scheduled for publication in August, 2013. The continued effort made in this project is without a doubt a substantial academic and practical contribution to the Research Center of Ars Vivendi.

Name of Project Study group on ageing
Research subject Study group on ageing and its postwar history
Project representative AMADA Josuke
Term 2012