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East Asia Disability Studies Forum
Special On-Line Seminar on COVID-19 and disability in East Asia

14:00-17:30 (東京, ソウル) / 13:00-16:30 (北京,台北)
プラットフォーム:Cisco Webex / Platform: Cisco Webex
Supported by The Japan Foundation and The Murata Science Foundation

last update: 20210309

■開催情報 Information

日時(Date and Time)

2021年2月27日(土) 14:00-17:30(東京,ソウル) / 13:00-16:30 (北京,台北)
Saturday 27 February 2021, 14:00-17:30 (Tokyo, Seoul) / 13:00-16:30 (Beijing, Taipei)


Cisco Webex


合計100名(日中韓台各グループ25名) / 100 (25 from each group)


Organized by Institute of Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University

Co-organized by Korean Disability Studies Forum, Wuhan East Lake Institute for Social Advancement, Taiwan Association for Disability Studies, Japan Society for Disability Studies, JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 18K01981


韓国語、中国語、日本語(*同時通訳) / Chinese, Japanese, Korean

情報保障(Information Accessibility)

手話、文字 / Japanese Sign Language and captioning in Japanese

■趣旨 Overview

新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の世界的流行は東アジア地域にも引き続き深刻な影響を及ぼしている。障害者権利条約の国際的モニタリングを担う障害者権利委員会は2020年4月以降、締約国の報告(中国の第2・3統合報告を含む)に関する事前質問事項において、新型コロナウイルス感染症と障害者の人権に関する重点事項として、@ウイルスに関するアクセス可能な情報の障害者への提供、A 在宅ケアや個人的支援を含むサポートと主流のコミュニティサービスへの継続的なアクセスの確保、B救命措置を含むヘルスケアへの平等なアクセスを提供するための対策、C障害年金と社会給付が常に保証されることの確保の4点を提示している。本セミナーではそのうち、医療への平等なアクセス(障害者権利条約5条、25条)、生活水準と社会保障(28条)に焦点を当てる。


The on-going pandemic of COVID-19 continues to affect East Asia. The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which is the international monitoring body of the CRPD, has identified the following four issues as the priority for the human rights protection of persons with disabilities during COVID-19 pandemic, in the List of Issues since April 2020, (a) accessible information concerning the scope of the pandemic and the prevention of the spread of the virus; (b) continuous access to support and mainstream community services, including in-home care and personal assistance; (c) equal access to health care, including life-saving measures; and (d) ensuring that disability pensions and social benefits are guaranteed at all times. In this forum, among these four, we focus on equal access to health care (art. 5 and 25), and decent standard of living and social protection (art. 28), during the COVID-19 pandemic.

East Asia Disability Studies Forum started in 2010 and serves as the unique annual regional forum on disability studies. In October 2019, we met in Wuhan, China. Though in 2020, we were to meet in Kyoto in September, COVID-19 has made it impossible. We met on-line on 18 July 2020 in English. But this time we meet with our three languages, Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

■プログラム Programme

14:00 オープニング Opening

開会挨拶 Opening Statement

立岩 真也(立命館大学生存学研究所所長)
Tateiwa Shinya (Director, Institute of Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University)
cf.「COVID-19から世界を構想する」 / ReBuilding the World from COVID-19
立岩真也(Tateiwa, Shinya)

基調講演 「新型コロナウイルス感染症と障害:2つのパラダイムの戦争」
Keynote address “Covid-19 and Disability: a War of Two Paradigms”[PDF][原稿:JP]

Professor Gerard Quinn, UN Special Rapporteur on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (video)
(「2021年3月31日まで視聴可」“Available until 31 March 2021”)

ジェラルド・クイン(Gerard Quinn)

14:15 第1パネル (PANEL ONE)

Equal Access to Healthcare during COVID-19 pandemic

Chair: Ser In-Hwan (Representative, Korean Disability Studies Forum/
General Manager, Korea Employment Security Association for the Disabled)

“COVID-19 and medical rationing of persons with disabilities: an Asian exception?”[PDF]

Chen Bo(Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Macau University of Science and Technology, and also an Adjunct Lecturer at the Centre for Disability Law and Policy, National University of Ireland Galway.)
[External Link:Macau University of Science and Technology Scholar
陳博(Chen Bo)
Chen Bo is currently an Assistant Professor in Law at Macau University of Science and Technology. Bo holds a PhD in disability law from NUI Galway. Before that, he worked with a China-based public interest law institute that advocates for the rights of persons with mental health issues. His research interests include China’s mental health and capacity law, disability law, and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

“Health equal rights of disabilities under COVID-19 ”[PDF]

Hung Hsin-Ping(Secretary General, The League For Persons With Disabilities, R.O.C)
洪心平(Hung Hsin-Ping)
I graduated from National Taipei University and got master degree at State University of New York at Buffalo for Sociology, then studied at National Chengchi University graduate Institute for Interdisciplinary Legal Studies. I am quite interested in long-term care services development、The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities(CRPD)studies, and People with Disabilities Rights advocacy.
I have been working with several NPOs related to disability rights and gender equality since 2004. Before serve as Secretary General of The league For Persons With Disabilities Taiwan in April 2020, I was CEO of Spinal cord injury Foundation for 5 years.

“A Historical Analysis of COVID-19 and Strained Support Systems for Disabled People in Japan”[PDF]

Mark Bookman (Ph.D. Candidate, East Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Pennsylvania/
Visiting Researcher, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo)
[External Link:Mark Bookman
マーク・ブックマン(Mark Bookman)
Mark Bookman's research looks at the history of disability policy and connected social movements in Japanese and transnational contexts over the last 150 years. Outside of the academy, Mark also works as an accessibility consultant. He has collaborated with government agencies and corporate entities in Japan, the United States, and Canada on projects related to inclusive education, equitable transportation, and disaster risk management for diverse populations of disabled people.

“The contact-free era of Covid-19. A discussion on the expansion of the community support system's public character”[PDF]

Kim Ho-Sang(Director, Geum-jeong Independent Living Center for the disabled/
Representative, Human Rights Forum for the Disabled/
A former member of the Korean committee on Human Rights for the Disabled, UN)
金鎬尚(Kim Ho-Sang)
I would like to first thank you for supporting and working hard for the rights and human rights of the disabled. I have been working with disabled people since 2008 in Busan, Korea to help them live independently and promote their human rights. I will continue to work hard to improve the rights and interests of the disabled and to develop jobs for the severely disabled in the non-face-to-face era. Thank you.

15:45 第2パネル (PANEL TWO)

Decent Standard of Living & Social Protection during COVID-19 pandemic

Chair: Huang Hwa-Yen (Assistant Professor of Sociology at National Dong Hwa University/
Vice Secretary of the Taiwanese Society for Disability Studies)
?華?(Huang Hwa-Yen)
I am an assistant professor of sociology at National Dong Hwa University. I completed my PhD in the Department of Sociology at Rutgers University in 2018. I am also the Vice Secretary at the Taiwanese Society for Disability Studies (TSDS). I'm broadly interested in the intersection between disability studies, social theory, and narrative. Currently, I am exploring reflexive reasoning in disability and/or chronic illness memoirs written by authors based in East Asia, Western Europe, and the United States.

「新型コロナウイルス感染症と情報アクセシビリティ――NPO法人「ゆに」 の取り組み」
“COVID-19 and Information Accessibility: Activities of UNI, a Non-Profit Organisation”[PDF]

Yasuda Masayuki (Visiting Researcher, Institute of Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University)
安田真之(Yasuda Masayuki)
私の研究テーマは、高等教育における障害学生支援です。私自身、先天性の視覚障害があり、教材の点訳等の合理的配慮を活用して大学で学びました。大学職員として障害学生支援業務に約3年半従事した後、2016年12月より、京都のNPO法人「ゆに」 で障害学生支援アドバイザーを務めています。「ゆに」 は、京都周辺の大学で学ぶ障害学生の学業や生活を支援するために、京都の障害学生やその支援者が2011年に設立したNPO法人です。
My research theme is support of disabled students in higher education. As I am congenital blind, I have experienced to study as student at a university, with reasonable accommodation such as braille transcription. After working as disability services coordinator at a university for about three and a half years, I have been working at "UNI" in Kyoto since December 2016 as disability services advisor. "UNI" is non-profit organisation established in 2011 by some disabled students in Kyoto and their allies, to support study and life of disabled students studying at universities around Kyoto.

“Employment and Work of Persons with Disabilities in ASEAN-Korea in the Post COVID-19 Era”[PDF]

Jeong Ji-Ung (Associate Professor, Department of Christian Social Welfare, Pai Chai University)
鄭智雄(Jeong Ji-Ung)
Dr. Jeong is associate professor at Pai Chai University in South Korea. He earned his doctorate in social welfare from Kangnam University. He serves as editor-in-chief of Journal of Korean Disability Studies and Board Member of Journal of Disability and Welfare. His main interests are disability studies and policy.

“the Experience of women-lead DPO helping vulnerable disabled women in COVID-19”[PDF]<

彭玉? (北京イネーブルシスターセンター(北京残障姐妹中心)開発ディレクター)
Peng Yujiao (Development director, Beijing Enable Sister Center(BEST))
彭玉?(Peng Yujiao)
Peng Yujiao received his bachelor's degree and graduated with a bachelor's degree in English Teaching from Hengyang Normal University. She is currently the development director of BEIJING ENABLE SISTER CENTER. She studied in areas related to gender, services for the disabled and civil society, and participated in the work of connecting and advocating for the International Disability Advocacy Network. Ms. Peng and her colleagues are actively working to protect and promote the human rights of women with disabilities in China.

“Social protection and income maintenance for people with disabilities during COVID-19 pandemic”[PDF]

Lin Chao-Yin (Professor, Department of Social Work, National Taipei University)
林昭吟(Chao-Yin Lin)
Lin Chao-Yin (林昭吟) is Professor in the Department of Social Work, National Taipei University, Taiwan. Her research focuses on disability and health, disability statistics, and disability employment.

17:15 クロージング(Closing)

閉会挨拶 Closing Address

総合司会 Moderator
長瀬 修(立命館大学生存学研究所教授)
Nagase Osamu (Professor, Institute of Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University)
長瀬修(Nagase, Osamu)

■写真集 Photo gallery

「Jeong Ji-Ung 報告」
「Kim Ho-Sang 報告」
「Yasuda Masayuki 報告」
「Huang Hwa-Yen コメント」
「Peng Yujiao 報告」
「Lin Chao-Yin 報告」




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*作成/更新:安田 智博
UP: 20201115 REV: 1204, 1215, 1222, 1230, 20210122, 0129, 0201, 0202, 0211, 0216, 0222, 0223, 0224, 0308, 0309
立岩 真也  ◇長瀬 修  ◇障害学国際セミナー  ◇障害学(Disability Studies)  ◇障害学(Disability Studies)2020  ◇台湾障害学会  ◇感染症(Infectious Disease)  ◇オンライン交信術
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